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Dedication Congratulations to Dee - the lucky winner of our Club Med hamper! John Happy Birthday to my lovely wife Sharon - enjoy your day Paul R Big shout out to all the gang in Georgia for Traverse 24
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ABTA is a trade association for UK travel agents, tour operators and the wider travel industry. For well over 70 years Abta have helped its members run successful travel businesses and provided travellers with advice, guidance and support.

ABTA works closely with its members to help raise and maintain standards and build a more sustainable travel industry. Whether it’s for business, a holiday or to see family and friends, you can relax and enjoy your trip when you book with an ABTA member.

ABTA understands that every trip is important, meaning you deserve great service, delivered by professionals you can trust. All ABTA members sign up to a code of conduct and commit to agreed service standards, accurate advertising and fair trading.
