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    Travel.Radio Travel Radio

Your Shoutouts
Dedication Congratulations to Dee - the lucky winner of our Club Med hamper! John Happy Birthday to my lovely wife Sharon - enjoy your day Paul R Big shout out to all the gang in Georgia for Traverse 24
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As a Radio Station broadcasting Online and on DAB, along with our website, Travel.Radio is committed to transparency and integrity in our collaborations and content. Here’s a breakdown of our disclosure practices:

Radio Show Sponsorship & Collaborations:

On occasion, our shows may be sponsored by brands or businesses. In such instances, we will openly disclose this during the show, and you may also hear specially made adverts promoting our collaboration.

On-Air Advertising:

All adverts on our station comply with the Advertising Standards guidelines.

Paid, Sponsored, Gift - Presenters' Experiences:

When our Presenters use the phrase ‘I was invited,’ it signifies personal contact for attending or trying something in exchange for an honest opinion. This may involve receiving free goodies, entry, a trip, or payment. We commit to honesty across all platforms, including on-air, podcasts, blogs, vlogs, and social media.

This includes experiences such as 

  • Press Trips.
  •  Attractions.
  •  Events.
  •  Restaurants.
  •  Hotel Stays.
  • Activities.

Paid, Sponsored, Gifted or Loaned - Product Reviews:

Presenters or the Radio Station may be sent products for review. This may involve short-term loans or receiving the product as a gift, with possible payment for ambassadorship. Reviews will cover product pros and cons, with tips if relevant but we will always be honest and transparent.

Categories include;

  • Travel.
  • Fitness.
  • Technology.
  • Fashion.
  • Food.
  • Entertainment
  • As well as services like courses, travel services, and restaurants.

Affiliate Marketing:

Our website contains affiliate links, generating a small commission without additional cost to you. This includes banner adverts and posted reviews.

Amazon Affiliates:

Travel.Radio is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Disclosure on Social Media Platforms:

Instagram and TikTok Reels:

  • If we are working with a brand we will tag the business in our Instagram story/reel
  • If it is a paid partnership we will use the hashtag #paidpartnership, #sponsoredpost or #ad
  • If we receive an item or trip for free we will use the hashtag #freebie #gifted or #loaned


  • If we post a photo to permanently stay on my Instagram feed we will leave a short disclaimer as well as the relevant hashtag as seen above as well as tagging the brand on the photo.


  • If we do a YouTube Video that contains any of the above partnerships with brands stating “Paid, Sponsored, Gifted – Travel, Services and Products” This will be stated in the video on the end card and may even be discussed within the video and will also be placed in the description. If we Promote any products and have discount codes and affiliate links we will mention this in the video and go into detail in the description..


  • If we post a link to our content on X, we will tag the brand as well as use relevant hashtags.


  • It may not always be possible to tag the brand on Facebook or LinkedIn with a link to them, but we will name them and use the relevant hashtags.

Guest Posts and Collaborations:

We currently do not accept guest blog posts. Collaborations will be clearly indicated, and opinions expressed by collaborators are their own, not necessarily reflecting Travel.Radio’s views. Damaging actions may result in the removal of collaborations without warning or explanation.

Travel.Radio Presenters & Guests

Our Presenters and guests views and opinions are that of their own, they do not necessarily reflect that of Travel.Radio’s views. 

This disclaimer is intended to keep our audience informed about the nature of our engagements and to maintain a transparent and trustworthy relationship.
