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    Travel.Radio Travel Radio

Tony Francais on Travel.Radio

Tony Francis

Tony Francais on Travel.Radio

Tony Francis the Night Owl In The Emerald Isles

Tony Francais, the night owl who guides us through the wee hours of the week from his studio in Belfast. His passion for music ignited at a young age, becoming the resident DJ at his local youth club at just 13 years old. Over the years, Tony has graced the airwaves of many radio stations, earning himself the affectionate tagline “Your fun-loving dependable friend.”

Originally from Staffordshire, Tony now calls Northern Ireland home since his move in 2017. When he’s not spinning tunes and keeping listeners entertained, Tony enjoys unwinding on a Caribbean cruise with a few cocktails in hand.

Join Tony Francis on Travel.Radio

Join Tony Francais on Travel.Radio as he brings his enormous energy and love for music to the late-night airwaves. Whether you’re tuning in for a dose of nostalgia or seeking some late-night companionship, Tony is your dependable friend ready to keep you company through the night.


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